Monday, 13 October 2014


v for vendetta is a dystopian themed film set in the not too distant future, based around a totalitarian government in power and one man who seeks revenge. The film represents typical gender roles in order to communicate messages, but subverts the roles and distorts them. I will allude to the gender roles of the different characters aswell as introducing the idea of phallic and yonic objects, the oedipal complex and hyper masculinity.

phallic and yonic imagery is presented in the film in many different scenes, and is used to symbolise the power being deflated from the party members and the guards. this becomes evident in the scene of the final revolution where the streets of london are flooded by the population becoming active. in this scene alot of the colours are dark colours which sets the overall mood of the scene. Also all of the population are wearing v outfits and masks, categorised under the costume aspect of mise-en-scene. The guards or the army employed by the government try to stop the peacful revolution, with no signs of anarchy, by holding them at gun point, the erect gun being the phallic object. As the population walk towards them, their guns go down, meaning the power has subverted to the population. to extend this point, the government during the revolution go from playing the masculine active role, to the feminine passive and fearful role.

The mother and father roles are dictated by the events and the characters behaviour and they are often distorted from one gender role to another. In this case being the character 'v'. although v fills the criteria of the male active and fearless role, he actually demonstrates some very feminine behaviour and in relation to mise-en-scene, physical appearance. The director alludes to this point in the scene where v is cooking for evey, wearing an apron, his make-up covered mask and his feminine styled hair. In this scene, the gender roles of evey and v switch.

Monday, 6 October 2014

how does v for vendetta get across its message and beliefs through its themes?

v for vendetta is a dystopian styled theme that presents the idea of a fascist government is in power and is dictated by sutler. This is conflicted by a terrorists identified as 'v' who seeks vengeance in this superhero style character, but is he a hero or a villain? The 5 key themes in this film are symbolised to construct a warning to society to act fast on political power before the government begin to enforce a totalitarian country. these 5 themes consist of Anarchy, religion, revolution, terrorism and totaltarianism. Each of these themes present a different message.

Anarchy is presented in the film and is encouraged by the main character 'v'. The use of anarchy is brought to our attention in the scene of v's speech, And the idea that v can dictate and enforce anarchy through power of his voice, choice of words and identity. he uses anarchy in an  organised way and introduces it as the solution to conquer the fascist government. The message of this theme is to become an active member of society and to take action by voting before the government ruin the country. The fact that this film is presented in the not too distant future creates a sense of sci fi, but also realism at the same time

Totalitarianism is another key theme of the film, and it means the government are to control the society and peoples lives both publicly and privately. This can be dictated to by one person, in this case being sutler as the dictator. Totalitarianism is presented when sutler is presenting his speech to the other government mp's and his dictatorship towards them aswell as the opression he is enforcing on society. The purpose of the clip is again to warn he audience of the film that a totalatarian government is a poor option to be in power, and that this generates opression on society. This particular message could also be labelled as false advertising or propaganda in a sense that people are being made to believe that totalitarianism could potentially happen, when already there is signs of it in power NOW.

Vengeance is potentially the most important theme of the film, as it is one of the main questions to wether v is fighting for freedom or revenge. In the opening scenes of the film, v was tested on in the concentration camps, and is now a mutant force of nature seeking revenge from the government. This is presented when v blows up the old bailey, and also at the end when he blows up parliament. The old bailey is symbolised as justice in the sense that it is a court house, but the fact that v blows it up, shows the audience that it is not justice the seeks, but it is revenge. The fact that v does this through terrorism and extremism says to me that v may not being a noble freedom fighter, but a terrorist making him a criminal, and the message of this is that terrorism in modern day society needs to looked at as a freedom fighter aswell as a terrorist

To conclude, the film v for vendetta holds many key themes which represent a warning or a a sense that we must act fast. The fact that it is set not too far in the future gives it a sense of realism and sci fi which is not usually found in your everyday Hollywood films. And the question still looms wether v is a terrorist or a freedom fighter. or some may believe he covers up the fact that he seeks personal vengeance by promoting a collective group following the idea of anrachy to cover up his terrorism. This links back to the question in hand that the messages are sent across to the public through themes and there are presented through the characters actions and behaviour, which can either be verbal or extreme violence.

Exam prep

Massive divide between rich and poor 
Fight for resources 

Some themes- 
- v is looking for revenge
- greedy 
- ruled by one man 
- assassination of party members 
- v goes against the rule
- he is known as a rebel 
- rebellion against a state 
- fascists dictator ship, control of all aspects of life 

P- theme 
E- how the theme is constructed 
A-why/ the purpose / message
S-your answer to the question